Yesterday was a good example. My wife and I found two kids outside our gate, asking for alms door to door. Both children were untidy and look like they have eaten neither breakfast nor lunch. We asked them to come with us to a nearby sari-sari store and bought them some cupcakes and orange juice. We noticed that the older brother was barefoot and has a big wound on his right sole. I can see that he’s in pain while walking with her 3 year old sister. My ever generous and compassionate wife suggested that we buy him a new pair of slippers. We asked the kids to stay on the bleachers outside the store and finish their snacks while we look for slippers. The market place is only five minutes away from home so we were able to get back just after they’ve finished their snacks. I can see in his small eyes that he is so delighted with his new pair of slippers, though maybe in his shyness he cannot manage to give even a tiny smile. We also bought a new pair of sandals for his little sister; unfortunately it’s too small for her. But still we gave it to them just in case they have a younger sister. The last thing I told the little boy before we left was to take care of his sister.
It felt so good inside. It delighted my soul. For a moment I realized how complete I am and that completeness flows in abundance that I can even share it without fearing that I’ll ever run dry.