Sunday, October 5, 2008

Swept Away

I couldn't think of any way to describe it better. I'm afraid that my lack of taste to judicious words might disappoint the very thing that keeps me breathing. But neither do I find it necessary for any additives for something that is already intense. I hope I can give justice to it --- I say it as it melts in the palate of my passion.

I am falling endlessly.
Deeper everyday.
And there's no intent to halt at all.
I have inside me an entity bigger, stronger than I am.
And it seems so true that wild things do run fast.
The inertia is an absolute apathy at this point.
I was swept away too many times and I am still, as before, drifted by its course.

It’s a total surrender of my being to something painfully sweet like a scalding desire.

1 comment:

imani said...

delight cannot be without pain.

this for that.

it makes life worthwhile, otherwise we'd all die of ennui.

live and love